a day in the life of kirstin

you are invited to spend a day in the life of her.
the gal who you might think has it all together. the mama who seems to do it all.
guess what? she doesn't.

let's fight those lies. this new series is an effort to dispel the superwoman myth. it is a time to be encouraged and a place to be challenged.

i have invited some wonderful women who want to be real with y'all. they want to share their struggles and triumphs. they want to give you a true glimpse into their everyday. it might not be glamorous, but it is real and beautiful.

each thursday this summer, come walk a bit in the shoes of another.


Hello friends! Kirstin here (half of the sister team that blogs over at kojodesigns). We adore Annalea and are LOVING the "a day in the life of her" series!

I should tell you at the outset that finding my 'groove' in this season (as a stay at home mama of a toddler and a baby) has been challenging for me. Really challenging.  In fact, the two books on my night stand right now are "Worn Out Woman" and "One Thousand Gifts."

See, I am sort of a perfectionist. And my list of things I'd like to accomplish in a day (spend time with the Lord, work out, spend quality and quantity time with each of my kids, keep the house spotless relatively clean, make meals that are both tasty and healthy, connect with my husband, and create things... oh, and sleep) is at odds with the 1440 minutes available to me each day.

Just thought that, before I tell you about my day, you should know that I am currently doing a terrible job of juggling and prioritizing.

And, I should mention, that the one overarching theme of my life so far (and particularly of this season) is that there is beauty in the chaos of everyday life. That tasks undone and to-do lists unchecked are not failure, and that there are heaps and piles of moments to be rejoice in along the way.

6:30- My husband Adam brings Piper Jane in to eat and kisses me on the head before leaving for his day (he's in dental school and his rotation this summer is at a not-so-close clinic... I hate the long commute, but love the way his face lights up when he tells us about his day). I feed Piper Jane in bed and put her back down after she eats... Maybe she'll sleep for another hour?

7:00- Not this morning. We're up for the day. I am so not a morning person (my mom keeps reassuring me that it'll come), but Burke won't be up for another hour, and I have to admit that I love having a little time for just me and Piper Jane. The girl is all sass and spunk and I love her for it.

Eat. Pray. Read God's Word. Email.

8:00- Burke's up. The opposite of his sis, he's as low-key as they come. The opposite of his mama, he greets the day with such enthusiasm. Right now he's jabbering expressively about the hermit crabs in his Oceans book- how he hopes we see some on our beach trip this summer. I love it that he wakes up in such a great mood.

Eat (well, Burke eats). Pray. Thank God for how much Burke lo-oves his baby sister. I'd hoped and hoped for as much.

9:00- Pile the kids in the car. We're meeting my mom (who doubles as many other things including my running partner) at a park for a run. I love running because it breaks my body from its just-had-a-baby softness. Burke and Piper Jane love it because they get to play at the park after we run around it. And they love the chance to see their Lita.

10:30- Morning nap for Piper Jane. Wow is she a grouch. Love the time for just me and Burke.
Clean. Read to Burke. Play outside. Pray. Thank God for blue skies and 85 degrees. I. love. summer.

12:30- Eat.

1:45- Head to Sonic for Happy Hour drinks. Our order? A Route 44 diet coke with vanilla for me and a small cranberry slush for Burke (it's the only slush on their menu that made from juice, not syrup). He always asks if he can get 'another favor' (flavor) and sometimes I let him. I wish I could say that Sonic was not an every day occurrence, but it pretty much is. :) If you want a passionate pitch for Sonic's Happy Hour, I'm your girl. It's the little things, right?

2:00- Naps! I kick into productive mode. Finish cleaning, sew, complete etsy orders, blog, clip coupons (our budget with Adam in dental school and me working part time is laughable), make sure I have a plan for dinner. I never (never!) get as much done as I think I will, but that's how it goes.

4:30- Babies are up. Water the garden. Make dinner. Look out the window to watch Burke examining the strawberries. He's going to have a green thumb like his Papa.
Thank the Lord for this house-with-the-big-backyard. We got this house for half price (I'm serious). We call it our blessing-from-God house, knowing that we'd definitely only be able to afford an apartment during dental school without it.

6:00- Eat. Family time. I love watching my husband with our kids- he is such a great dad. More playing/working in the backyard.

Head over to Yogurt Guru with some friends. Frozen Yogurt is our treat-of-the-summer.

8:00- Baths and bedtime. We read the story of Leah and Rachel. I think, for the hundredth time, that the Jesus Storybook Bible is as relevant to me as it is to Burke.

Thank God that He adores us, even when it feels as if He's the only one.

Spend time with Adam. Blog. Work on a dress that I'm making for my little sis for her birthday.

11:30- Is it really almost midnight? Oh gosh. Brush teeth (to the hubbie's sort of high standards, of course) and crawl in bed.

Thank God that this is my life, with these people, in this place, and not something else. I am overwhelmed with clarity that, even though mine could be a very different life, God has given me Adam, Burke, Piper Jane and a little house in this neighborhood and Fellowship Denver and Dental School and the crazy budget as His Provision for me. Sometimes I forget to be thankful, but not right now.
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thank you, kirstin, for a reminder of thankfulness.  thanks for being honest and sharing this glimpse into your everyday.


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