operation tree fort (the planning)

ooooh, i am so glad that first vlog was fun for y'all too. thanks for the sweet comments. maybe a second one will be made soon.  maybe we should have a vlogging party where i can hear all your lovely voices too?

are you ready for an introduction to operation tree fort?

my tree fort sketch

the big project at casita hart this spring and summer (and quite possibly the fall, too) is building our backyard tree fort. when we bought this house three years ago, i immediately picked its future home. since then, we have been planning.  2010 had been picked for the construction. things didn't turn out like we hoped, however, and we deferred the dream until this year.

the tree fort plans

back in march, the final plans began taking shape.  i sketched and sketched and sketched until i came up with our design.  it is really nice having a mechanical engineer for a husband to take this and make it a reality.  he even consulted a structural engineer at the office. : )

luca's tree fort sketch

i love seeing the kiddos take ownership of the project.

growing up, my family rented apartments and small townhomes until high school.  i didn't grow up with a backyard or a tree fort or a garden.  it is so sweet to experience these firsts with my littles.  it is an unexpected taste of childhood i savor.

finally, here are some pinterest finds that inspire me.
and they make me super happy.
i heart tree forts. 

we have made exciting progress over the last two weekends.
stay tuned for updates!


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