flash forward five years

flash forward five years

we spent the weekend with our church at the annual fall retreat. 

i recently posted this flashback photo from 2006 in anticipation.  a definite reminder of how things change and stay the same.

i am proud to say that i have broken all previous records.  all of our bags (save one) have been unpacked, the blankets, towels, and clothes have been washed, and all miscellaneous gear and food has been put away.  the cost of such behavior was 200+ emails in my inbox at 9pm this evening.  after deliberation, i believe it was worth it.  

later this week. . . 
i hope to show more kiddo cuteness from the weekend (considering that is who i spent 97% of my time with while at this retreat). maybe a look at the switched up kiddo rooms will even be ready. also stay tuned for a new day in the life post on thursday and a sponsor giveaway on friday.
fun stuff, friends.

by the way, did you check out my sweet sponsors that were featured friday?  there are several others over on ye olde sidebar thataway --------> that i suggest you visit.

life has been so heavy around casa hart and i know it has been seeping into the words found round this blog.  thanks for being with me in this journey of finding beauty in the hard and messy.



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