
thanksgiving 2011

i once heard that thanksgiving is about having something to be thankful for and someone to thank.

well, yes.  of course.

thanksgiving 2011

i have much to be thankful for.

i am called to give thanks in all circumstances.  i believe it.  even in life's hardest seasons, i have found gifts.  an increased hope in what is eternal and true.  more grace to cling to and revel in.  the loveliness of a friend or a book or a drop of golden sun.  i come away with more patience, more love, more compassion and more humility.

it is not fun.  i don't have to love the mess.
but in it there can be joy and beauty.
i do not use the terms "joy chooser" and "beauty finder" loosely.
it is essential to give thanks right where i am.

thanksgiving 2011

and i have Someone to thank.
He gave me life and Life.

i can't even grasp that enormity.
but i can give thanks to the Giver.

every day can be one of thanks-giving.  in fact, if i didn't seek out my blessings daily, my heart would not easily turn to gratitude in late november.

regardless of my mother's gorgeously set table.
and those sweet bird shakers.

thanksgiving 2011


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