thursday thoughts in handy-dandy bullet points

my new cute shoes
  • i bought two adorable pairs of shoes yesterday at kohls.  10.99/pair with an additional 15% off.  i was only in the store for 20 minutes.  it was a most unusual and satisfying shopping experience.
  • i usually do not like shopping for myself.  it makes me tired and cranky.  better if i avoid it.  pretty good for the budget too.
  • i needed shoes, so i was forced to shop.  open toed flats were not cutting it anymore.
  • also, i only wear flats.  i know you were wondering that.
  • in other news, i may or may not be planning on moving the clocks ahead an hour so i get the kiddos in bed earlier tonight.  they need the sleep. we wake up early on fridays.  it is super dark.  i am doing bedtime solo.  the end.
  • depending on the success of that operation, i might just post a hodge podge of photos for ten on ten later tonight.
  • the day in the life of her posts have hit a bump in the road.  due to completely unforeseen and serious circumstances in the last two guests lives, they were both unable to share their days when planned.  my life has been too full of late to find last minute replacements.  so, yeah.  aiming for a relaunch next week, then a short holiday break and a fresh group of fab ladies in the new year.
  • but have you read the two posts already linked up in the day in the life of YOU series?  so neat.  have you written out a day yet?  link it!
  • today, my studio/office is clean for the first time since mid-september.  i pretty much rocked it.
  • also, my family now has clean clothes.  thank you washer and dryer for getting through those loads with me.  i could have a folding party tonight.  sounds fun, right?  or i could go to bed early. 
  • ALSO, today was a very good day on the teaching my littles gig.  seriously, we may be getting our groove back.
  • someone nominated me in the homeschool post awards for best photos blog.  so nice.  thanks cool person.
  • there are only two more weeks left in our cc semester. wow.
  • yesterday, i was the recipient of a most generous and thoughtful gift.  this mama will now be taking ashley ann's nov/dec snapshop class!!!!!!!  thank you, kind friend.
  • lastly, have you been following the compassion bloggers on the ecuador trip?  go. read. be moved.
Compassion Bloggers: Ecuador 2011


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