slowing down (and a stapled oilcloth bunting)

 stapled oilcloth bunting

hey there!
i've been taking it slow and keeping quiet this last week.  giving more time and space for Him to work and speak.  it was much needed.

not that it hasn't been a full week.  i am just attempting to respond differently to all that surrounds me.  the success of such attempts is touch and go.

this slowing down was spurred on by my backdoor.  which sounds a bit odd.
i shared these thoughts and a fun little stapled oilcloth bunting project over at beautifully rooted last week.
read more here.

i think i am back now, though.  we'll see.  the break was nice, but ideas and words are bouncing around my head.  it is just a matter of time to get them out and frame of mind to make them coherent.  but really blogging is such an outlet, plus it keeps a record of our days like no other.  (and i am slacking on posting photos and stories for our far-away family!  sorry!)

tell me, how was your last week of march 2012?

slow down


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