the birth of a blogger

time and again i realize how difficult it is to raise my children so far away from any of our family. i am sad that our parents do not get to see luca and gia on a regular basis - they change so fast and there are so many things that are missed. some of my beloved friends (who are also moms) have become bloggers recently and i have greatly enjoyed feeling connected to them through the pictures and stories they post. it has slowly occured to me that i too can join the ranks and become a blogger. yes, the new laptop helped - i can actually be on-line and make sure my children are safe.

my hope for this project is that our family and friends will be able to experience life with us. i want you all to hear the funny stories, to see the sweet smiles, and to laugh at my frequent failures. i also love the opportunity to reflect on being a mama. i don't want this time in my life to fly by without taking a moment to pause. i won't get it all, but one day in the future i want to look back at this record of my life and remember that between the diaper changes, feedings, and temper tantrums, my children were shaping me just as much as we were praying to shape them.

a blogger has been born.


Anonymous said...

princess gia has beautiful hair...

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