with all the busyness of moving to champaign and settling into life here, i realized recently that i never blogged about our new house. yes, folks, if you have been living under a rock, or just maybe haven't heard from us personally, we found a house the week we moved here. we saw it with our realtor the day it came on the market and put a full price offer on it that evening because it was excellently priced and just what we were looking for. the next day two more offers came in on the house before ours was accepted/rejected, so we upped our offer slightly and got the good news late thursday night. the biggest catch about the sale was that we could not close until june 2nd. that seemed like such a long time to be in waiting and live out of boxes. well, we can excitedly say that we are halfway through this waiting period. almost six weeks down and just six weeks to go. the second half should go quick - one of my dearest friends is getting married mid-may and with the shower and all other bridesmaid responsibilities, plus making the wedding cake, oh and don't forget being a full-time mama to two crazy kids, i think the weeks will fly by.
e-mail me if you want the link to the house tour and more pics.
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