you can't pull off your finger. . .

. . . or you won't be able to tickle.

here is a list of luca's reasoning for the valuableness (is that a word?) of certain body parts. it began by explaining to gia why she couldn't pull off her finger or take off her eye (we aren't quite sure why she wanted to do this in the first place, but she is two and cute.) some of his explanations are quite appropriate and matter of fact. and then there are the other ones. oh i love my son.

you can't take off your eyes or you won't be able to see.

you can't take off your nose or you won't be able to smell.

you can't take off your hair or you won't be able to get a haircut.

you can't take off your belly or your food will fall out.

you can't take off your ears or you won't be able to hear. if you only take off one ear, you will be able to hear a little. and then you can just turn around to hear in all directions.

you can't take off your arms or you won't be able to hold things up to your chest.

you can't take off your neck or you won't be able to put soapies on it.

you can't take off your feet or you will have to slither around on your knees. if you only take off one foot, you will have to hop.

you can't take off your whole leg or you will walk small. if you take off only your knees, you will be shorter.

you can't take off your back or you can't wear a backpack. or a shirt.

you can't take off your toes or you won't have anything to wiggle. oh wait, we will still have our fingers.

and finally (i wanted to maintain the spirit of luca's choices and this is word for word. )

you can't take off your butt cheeks or you won't be able to go poopies.


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