after all the work of the past four months, we have finally reaped a substantial harvest. after the squirrels decimated most of the spring crops, we were eagerly waiting for the summer bounty. well folks, it has arrived. today's quick pickings: three cukes (total of 5 so far this year - but i need to remember to where my gloves next time - prickly little guys), three summer squash (total of 5 as well, but both of the others were victims of squirrel foraging), two jalepenos (leaving some others on the vine to darken), several handfuls of green beans (royalty purple pods - aren't they gorgeous?), and the remainder of the snap peas (we usually don't leave the potager with any since luca eats them while i weed, but today's crop was happily munched for afternoon snack at the dining room table). looking forward to some tomatoes and other pepper varities soon.
can i just add that central illinois rainfall has been pretty amazing this year. i have only hose watered the potager once this entire summer and used the rainbarrel for the potted herbs and flowers the rest of the time. we just always seem to get some when we need it. with so much of our family suffering through the houston heat and drought, it is something we have been extremely thankful for and definitely not to be taken for granted.
off to cook, freeze, and eat some veggies!
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