mama-kiddo invasion

okay, so did friday just end?  for a week full of incredibly long and exhausting days, this last one zipped on by at lightning speed.  karen came today, along with seven other mamas, with a grand total of 19 children making our house one hoppin' playground for a couple hours this afternoon.

mama and kid invasion
a sampling of the mama-kiddo invasion.  i think they should invade my house every week.  for reals.

to me, this is community - this is family - this is church.
hooper kiddos (and gia)
more friends.  oh brenna you are cute.

i made hearty lentil soup and spiced banana bread.  karen brought bread.  alison baked cookies.  mamas packed lunches full of strawberries and spinach and cheese and crackers.  we filled our bellies with yumminess. (but poor janel had a slight injury while grating parmesan.)

there were some scuffles, lots of diaper changes, several crying bouts, and a little backyard play in warm afternoon sun.  we mamas laughed and caught up (as best as possible among so many littles).  my favorite quote of the day (from gia):  mama (while sobbing), that's my bed and there is a boy in it!"  sorry jonathan, no boys allowed in gia's bed.  (ever!!!)

and i'll leave you with a trio of adorable three year old girlies.  oh my, can't you just picture them as teenagers?  look at those beautiful faces.

three 3yos

yes, my daughter is hilarious

yes, my daughter is hilarious.

photos of enzo and hamilton coming soon. . .


Lora said...

that looks like so much fun! (i wanted to tell you too that my hubby let me go out for a few hours yesterday to the mall all by myself and gave me $ to buy some new clothes and have lunch! - it felt so good to have alone time, like you suggested!)

Unknown said...

They are soooo cute. You're makin me homesick lady!

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