hamilton comes for a visit

hamilton and enzo

on saturday, we had the opportunity to spend time with a very adorable 15 month old.  his mama, karen, is one of my besties.  and since they live about an hour from here, we don't see them nearly enough.  (which is true for so many of our friends.)  anyway, karen had a lunch date in champaign, meaning we had a hamilton date.  yay for us!

after a gourmet lunch of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, i decided a photo shoot was in order for these two cuties.  one day we can show the pictures off at their graduation parties.  the nursery remains the best location in the house for stunning afternoon light.  and it was clean, so no extra work.  i have been learning more about my camera - practicing with different settings and such.  it was really so fun for me.  i love playing photographer.

hamilton and enzo

so maybe it is a new part of his personality emerging or maybe i haven't seen him around other littles his age enough, but i did not realize how wild enzo acts.  he is loud and loves to create a scene.  for every photo here, there were a half dozen blurry shots of him throwing around his arms, head and/or torso.  the kid can't sit still.  no wonder i am tired all the time.  well, that and fibromyalgia. 

hamilton and enzo

he loves to make this face.  puckers up those lips and sticks them out just like that.  all.the.time.  i also had about two dozen shots of it throughout the afternoon.  hilarious.

hamilton and enzo

hamilton and enzo

yep.  there it is again.

hamilton and enzo

i thought this would be a clever shot with them in front of the closet door.  but nobody puts baby (enzo) in the corner.  he just wanted to jump on the bed with his big brother and sister.  at this point, i am guessing hamilton was wondering at what kind of crazy house his mama had left him.

two little monkeys jumping on the bed

two little monkeys jumping on the bed

brothers in profile

brothers in profile

hamilton and enzo

i thought maybe the crib would be a good cage for my little animal neat backdrop.  and then enzo held on to the side and started jumping up and down like his siblings.  hamilton was very entertained.

hamilton and enzo

love this one


sometimes you can't plan this stuff.  i turned around to find these guys kneeling in front of the piano taking turns pecking at the keys.  best sounding one year old duet i have ever heard.

thanks karen for letting us borrow babysit your little guy for the afternoon.


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