how to play in snow without getting frostbite

(and a sure way to get a clean kitchen floor in the process)

how to play in snow without getting frostbite

a few bowls of fresh snow + snowpants + kitchen utensils + a tile floor = an hour of simple fun

how to play in snow without getting frostbite

how to play in snow without getting frostbite

how to play in snow without getting frostbite

how to play in snow without getting frostbite

how to play in snow without getting frostbite

enzo woke up.  he was confused.  (and amused.)  (and wearing 3T snowpants.)  (they are the smallest we own.)

how to play in snow without getting frostbite

how to play in snow without getting frostbite

this was a rough week.  my littles seem to have invented invisible ear plugs that prevent them from hearing just my voice.  it makes for one worn out mama.  and, to be honest, i have lost my temper all too often.  activities like this seem to keep us a little more sane.  thanks ohdeedoh for the inspiration.


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