hope and honey

welcome to the newly named blog of annalea hart!

hope and honey represents the sweet combination of what i believe and how i want to live.

choosing joy in light of great Hope.
boldy expecting good things and fully convinced of what is to come.
finding beauty in all He has given.
seeing the sweet side of life even amidst the sting of hardship.

and when i was a wee lass, i called everyone honey.
it was my thing.

please bear with me as i continue to tweak things here and there.



Flower Patch Farmgirl said...

Well, I sure love it. 

meg said...

Love the new name! and i love that you called everyone "honey" when you were little, how cute are you?! 

Mary@Finding Healthy Hope said...

Looks great! :)

lifemadelovely said...

LOVE it!!  it's just perfect!

hope_morr said...

I think it's a LOVELY name for a blog :)

Jenny said...

i LOVE  it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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