a little bit of this and a little bit of that

this weekend is flying by.  maybe something to do with. . .

more felt fun
destressing from the week on a too short friday night.   crafting for me, time with the guitar for jesse and hanging out with shawn and gus together. (still having so much fun with felt roses.) 

laundry catch-up
 catching up on a week's worth of laundry. fourth load in the wash right now. who wants to come over and fold?

cat nap take two
spending the entire morning purging, deep cleaning, and organizing the kids' rooms.  (and ignoring most other chores - zion and flaco continue to enjoy the unmade bed.)

eleven weeks new
watching our eleven week old baby boy smile and coo. and nap in the sun.

dino heart
having two crazy kiddos run around, play great together, fight a bit too, and do goofy things - like hang dinos from garlands.  "but mama, it's pink!" 


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