conference champions (and some deep thoughts)

conference champions
you are looking at one superb freestyle relay team.
and a bunch of goofballs, obviously.

these boys swam with heart and spirit last weekend at the final meet of the season.  we are oh-so-proud of them.  and the sharks won the conference title!  how neat to be part of that.

luca received a most improved award at this week's closing ceremony.  
we fully agree. 

what a summer.  i am glad luca was part of this experience, but it was not always pretty.  in fact, some of my lowest points of the summer came from dealing with the stress.  we honestly struggled.  our issues were not so much about the actual swimming. there are some intense family dynamics changing at casita hart.  we are redefining who we are.  at some point in the future, i might be able to share.  but now is not the right time.  i ask that you pray for us as we walk down a hard road. 

seeing the smile on his face as he goofs off with his buddies makes me happy.  i learned a lot about him these last couple months.  and getting to know your child better is no small thing.

conference champions

conference champions

conference champions

conference champions


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