what i saw sunday

 sprinkler face

i did not have the opportunity to see hp7.2 this weekend,
but i did get to see three littles play in a sprinkler this evening.  

i saw jesse teach them how to make lemon sorbet.
i saw luca swim in his last home meet of the season.
i saw late night netflix with my honey.
i saw my enzo make this face.
i saw gia practice faces in the mirror.
(when she thought i wasn't looking.)
i saw giggles and smiles and dancing and sweetness

i saw the not-so-sweet, too.
yes, i saw shoves and spats and yells and pouts.
but apologies come with hugs in this family.

i saw an adorable birthday girl celebrate two years of life.

i saw weeds pulled.
i saw prayers answered.
i saw life happen.

i still wish i could have seen that movie.
but i thought this list would help me see the lovely this weekend held.


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