2011 first day photos (the goo)

 2011 first day photos (the goo)

last year, we began a tradition of taking our homeschool version of first day photos.  i so treasure those.  yesterday morning we held our 2011 shoot.  since my poor computer* is running too slow to edit photos in any kind of efficient manner, i will be breaking these up into three posts.  also, i am horrible at narrowing down the good ones, so there will be approximately 100-200 (or 10-15) of both gia and luca.  enzo only stood still for 4, making the job much easier.  :) 

2011 first day photos (the goo)
2011 first day photos (the goo)
 2011 first day photos (the goo)

*my computer is officially on its last leg.  the screen frame is cracked, meaning i can't close the laptop.  also, it is almost 5 years old and is no longer under warranty!  meaning, i will be praying that this thing can last me a few more months until i've saved for the replacement.


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