operation tree fort (the deck, part two)

thank you for the e-mails, comments, and overall support after my last post.  i so appreciate all of you sharing your stories about spd and similar circumstances.  it is so good to be part of a community.  we plan on sharing more of our story at a later date, when i can sit down and give it the time and energy it deserves.  until then, thanks again. xo

operation tree fort (the deck, part two)

it has been a little since i shared a tree fort update.  mostly because we took a couple week break from construction at the end of july.  it was darn hot.  but we did finish up the deck last week and it looks great.  the following photos span several days over two weekends.  the last boards were screwed in on our first day of school!  i love that.

operation tree fort (the deck, part two)

operation tree fort (the deck, part two)

ooooh, fun.  cicada shells stuck all over the frame.

operation tree fort (the deck, part two)

operation tree fort (the deck, part two)

we went through a LOT of screws.

operation tree fort (the deck, part two)

operation tree fort (the deck, part two)

in case you can't tell, these are caterpillars.  (made by luca.)

operation tree fort (the deck, part two)

uncle christian (aka the cool babysitter)

operation tree fort (the deck, part two)

operation tree fort (the deck, part two)

where are your safety glasses???

operation tree fort (the deck, part two)

operation tree fort (the deck, part two)

operation tree fort (the deck, part two)

operation tree fort (the deck, part two)

this girl LOVES playing in the rocks.

operation tree fort (the deck, part two)

operation tree fort (the deck, part two)

operation tree fort (the deck, part two)

operation tree fort (the deck, part two)

grandpa teaching luca.  the best homeschool carpentry class, don't ya think?

operation tree fort (the deck, part two)

serving up sangria (after a little photoshoot) to reward the crew.

operation tree fort (the deck, part two)

almost done!

operation tree fort (the deck, part two)

operation tree fort (the deck, part two)

enzo finally visiting the deck.

operation tree fort (the deck, part two)

next up, the stairs and rails.
who thinks we will finish this fall? :)


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