the one where i admit i have lost my groove

 luca's reminders

my blogging groove, that is.

do you know where i can find it?

i went through a fairly long phase earlier this year where i had posts and thoughts coming out my ears. 

and now i am dry.  maybe it is obvious to you, maybe not.  but i feel it on this end.  it takes so much pep-talking to sit down and tap out a few words and edit a few (or not so few) photos.  i love blogging, but lately it has not been much fun.  i feel unable to tell the stories. 

the stories i am living through seem to be the private stuff now.  the not blog approved material.  which is just weird to consistently post cute kiddo photos or show pretty house stuff when these matters are all that fill my head.

another large part of the lost groove may be the one-sidedness of it all right now.  i don't have time to read other blogs or comment or respond to your comments in any type of timely manner.  (and i miss y'all!)  because that would take time.  which brings me to my biggest reason for neglecting the blog. (at least neglecting it in my own head.)  i just can't seem to find the time to fit in the writing.  um, yeah, that is kind of a must.

we have been trying so hard to get on a doable life schedule and there are growing pains with the whole shebang.  i am trying to live a life more faithful.  needing to put the big rocks into the bucket before i can fill in with the other stuff.  because in that whole shebang, blogging falls into the "other stuff" category.  for reals.

this whole post feels is a bit of a mind-eruption.  sorry for that.  but i am working out some thoughts here.

one thing i have been reminded of through this mind-eruption?  i don't blog just because it is fun.

i'll keep on tapping away and at some point my groove will be found.  until then, bear with me, if you will.

in other news, luca would like to remind us that God is big and He loves us and He never leaves us.  and that God spelled backwards is dog.  thanks, son.


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