simple tips for a good party

thank you.  you guys are da best.  i felt loved and supported after sharing about my lost groove.  i am hoping to find creative ways to be present, but still get a little break.  today is one example of that.  :) 

last year, i was a guest over at wild olive to help celebrate mollie's birthday.  i thought i would repost my simple tips for a good party here today, since i am kind of a blogging slump.  plus i like to get these guest posts on my own blog at some point to keep them all together.

birthday banner

i love a good party and, in my opinion, a good party makes you feel special.  i don't always have the time or energy to plan out all of the little details, but just a few personal touches can make the smallest event memorable.
here are some of my simple tips:
  • dress up your food.  whether you get a take-out pizza, make a cake from a box mix, or heat up frozen appetizers, everything looks nicer on pretty plates.  thrift shops and garage sales are great sources for affordable serving pieces.  better yet, borrow from friends and family.  and remember, things don't need to match, just coordinate.
  • take photos.  set up an easy photo booth with a flat sheet hung over a bookshelf or on the wall.  take a few minutes to capture some fun shots of your guests.  as much as we all love candids, this is a great way to make sure you get a photo of everybody.
  • make a banner!  i love personalizing parties with a banner.  i wrote up an easy tutorial last year that works well for this.  or if you can invest in a set of alphabet stamps, they quickly transform punched or cut paper into something sweet and special.
my biggest tip?  a good party is more about the guests than anything else.  true hospitality is more concerned with a welcoming atmosphere than a perfect menu or beautiful table setting.  if the planning gets in the way of this, you need to scale back.

there are so many simple ways to transform a gathering of loved ones to something special.  what are some of your favorites?


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