coffee cake blueberry muffins (yes, please)

coffee cake blueberry muffins
yesterday, i made the family quite happy with a batch of coffee cake blueberry muffins.  this accidental yumminess occurred by fiddling with two versions of the same muffin recipe and throwing in an extra ingredient or two. 

first off, i should proclaim my love for this cookbook:  how to cook everything by mark bittman.  my mom bought it for one of my bridal showers over 11 years ago. it is stained and splattered.  badges of honor when it come to a well-used cookbook.  the following was developed using mark's basic muffin recipe and playing with the variations listed.

since these muffins are now in high demand for a second weekend in a row, i will memorialize my culinary experiment here for future reference.  and because they are too good to keep secret.

how to make coffee cake blueberry muffins
3 tablespoons melted (and cooled) butter
2 cups flour
1/4 cup sugar
1/2 teaspoon salt
3 teaspoons baking powder
1 egg
1 cup milk
1/2 cup packed brown sugar
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1 teaspoon nutmeg
1/2 teaspoon allspice
1 cup rolled oats
2 tablespoons more melted butter
1 cup blueberries, fresh or frozen
preheat oven to 400 degrees and grease your muffin tin. 

mix together flour, sugar, salt, and baking powder.  beat together egg, milk, and 3 tbl butter.  mix together brown sugar, spices, oats and 2tbl butter to make coffee cake mixture.  make a well in the center of dry ingredients and pour wet ingredients and coffee make mixture into it.  fold until all ingredients are moist.  it will be thick and lumpy.  then stir in blueberries.

fill muffin tin, sprinkle tops with brown sugar and cinnamon and bake 20-30 minutes.  makes 10-12 large muffins.

the recipe originally called for finely chopped nuts instead of oats, but i was too tired for any chopping.  also, it said to only add half of the coffee cake mixture to the batter and use the other half for the top of each muffin.  sounds good, but i only remembered this while stirring it all together.  next time, i will try it and report back.
apron clad, bearing muffins
these additions upped the heartiness factor to our normal blueberry muffins.  and, yes, the calories too.  but they are not for everyday, so we'll splurge a bit.

i might experiment a bit more with the oats and a whole wheat flour.  i do enjoy playing in the kitchen when i get a chance.

now, tell me. . . what is your favorite muffin recipe?  i am in a muffin-y mood.


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