delight (defined)

this boy is a delight. truly and deeply.

he throws himself into each day with enthusiasm.
his smile could melt the coldest of moods.

he delights in the people and places around him, always waiting for others to join in his joy.

he is our class clown.  oh, the goofy cuteness.

he's quick to hug a sad sibling and most generous with kisses and snuggles.

this boy can't describe this delight through words

he struggles to repeat sounds and label objects.

his face and body language tell the story instead.

but slowly that is changing.

speaking is a delight-ful ability.

yay for speech therapists!

we take great delight in listening for words and sounds.

it is a delight to celebrate these small achievements.

i delight in watching you grow, my boy.


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