the porch {before and after}

porch, madeover

if you caught my home tour over at life made lovely last week, you also caught a glimpse of the completed porch makeover.  here is a closer look with details and all that jazz.

before. . .

porch (before and after)

porch (before and after)

and after. . .

porch, madeover

big change, right?  once in awhile i actually buy things to make over a space.  this was one of those times.  thankfully, all of the new furniture was given or found.  the outdoor rug was an end of season lowes' clearance find - $35!!!  we were able to swing this cost and the other small expenses due to the profits from our yard sale.

the table and chairs are great for eating a solo meal outside or serving drinks to guests.  or pastries.  i am a fan of pastries.  the table has a set of four matching chairs that are still at the back patio table.  these pictured chairs (and two others we can bring out when needed) are officially my parents.  they are storing them at our place. :)

the red bench was jesse's boyhood toy chest.  his parents wrote a note to us on the inside when they handed it down.

porch (before and after)

for the love of ferns.  my yearly birthday gift from my parents.

a porch swing of thrifted pillows

the three middle pillows were thrift store finds.  the far left pillow used to be on the nursery daybed.  the far right was found at lowe's end of season clearance.  total of $10, purchased with yard sale profits.

porch (before and after)

my parents didn't need this little table anymore.  score for us.
the red vase was bought at tjmaxx in 2003.

rain barrel, leaf covered

around the corner, you'll find the ever useful rain barrel for watering the thirsty ferns and other potted porch plants.

nature walks collection

it seems we always have pockets and stroller baskets full of sticks acorns, rocks, etc.  now we can keep our nature walk treasures on this tray, which i believe was a hobby lobby clearance find circa 2001, then spraypainted and distressed.  before i knew others who actually spraypainted and distressed anything. :)

porch (before and after)

my mom was also going to sell this chair and table in the garage sale.  um, yeah.  i happily took it off her hands.  i found the cushion at gordman's end of season clearance for $5. again purchased with yard sale profits.

 hiding place

this corner makes a great hiding place for barkley.  he was not so happy to be away from my grandma last weekend.  my kiddos were so very happy to be dogsitting, though.

thrifted porch bench pillows

more thrifted pillows purchased with yard sale profits.  total of $3.50.

fab door knocker
this beauty came with the place.  i actually asked for it in the purchase agreement so the previous owners would leave it.    

so, that's the porch.  the makeover was completed for under $55.  just in time to enjoy the gorgeous fall weather we have been having.

i could spend all day out here.

a restful thing


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