halloween 2011

halloween 2011

can i introduce you to three creatures i met last week?

halloween 2011

silly thing 3 is the long lost brother of things 1 and 2.
he had the most fabulous crazy blue hair.

halloween 2011

this dancing dalmation was ridiculously adorable.

halloween 2011

and an american crested black guinea pig scurried around the yard looking for treats.

little treat-harts

together they make one sweet trio.

halloween 2011

gia reused part of last year's costume making this mama very happy indeed.  i spent some quality time last october adding those black spots to a white turtleneck and leggings.  i am still quite proud of that hat, which was refashioned from an old white tee-shirt.  i will never be able to give you a pattern for it.  i can tell you that two side buns holding back her unruly hair make the ears pop out just right.

we added her dance recital costume on top paired with that shockingly pink head bow and thrifted black tap shoes (bought when she was 1 by my mom, just waiting for the right occasion!).  the sequined belt turned into a collar, with a cardstock nametag attached.

i highly recommend the combination of bright white attire and clappity footwear on a dark halloween night.  gia was by far the easiest kiddo to spot (yes, pun intended).

halloween 2011

halloween 2011

halloween 2011

all we needed for thing 3 was a pair of red pajamas, white felt and black fabric paint.  i loosely basted on the belly so i can easily remove it and use the pajamas all winter long.  enzo's curls were brushed out and sprayed blue.  he wasn't a huge fan of that process, but he was quite taken with the end product.

halloween 2011

luca has a last minute change of heart about the animal protector costume.  he desperately wanted to be something "cute" and his latest animal faves are rodents of all kinds.  we chose the american crested black guinea pig after finding the fleece hat, pants, and pullover at target.  two ears and a white tuft of fur trim later and he was complete.

also, guinea pigs pose best on the ground.  :)

also, as expected, luca has worn this everyday since. :)

halloween 2011

the whole trick or treating crew

i believe the success of the night for dealing with luca's fears was traveling with this pack.  as he put it, "things are not so scary with my friends." 

do you spot the jesse-ninja in the back?

black cat and a thing

i am smiling.  he is yawning.

halloween 2011

and so ended my favorite month of the year.


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