halloween sneak peak, etc.

 little treat-harts

because i was way too tired after 1.5 hours of trick or treating after an already long monday, this is all you get in way of photos.

okay, i'll give you this too.

black cat and a thing


yesterday i was reminded of this clip from parenthood.  not because our night resembled anything close to this.  in fact, i would probably be avoiding this house regardless.  but i heart how this show covers these topics.  good stuff.

and i heart the "squeeze my hand" part.   

i am happy to report that last night was a good experience for our entire family.
yay for small successes!

jesse and i are taking off on a day trip to springfield with luca this morning.  while the main goal is an important doctor's appointment, we plan on making the most of the time in our state's capital.  it will be such a gift to spend time alone with our firstborn babe. 


october sponsor giveaway winners will be announced tonight.

all right, folks.
have a lovely one.


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