a move, an award, and an upcoming birthday

chris and cam
Christian and Cameron, April 2010
today, my brothers move across the country.  since i am not at all ready to confront the reality of not seeing them until christmas, let's change the subject, k?

(but if anyone wants to fly me to washington, just let me know.)


the fun folks at houzz have awarded the above photo a best of 2012 title. this design award is given to the most popular images among the 1.2 million users on houzz.  that is kinda cool. :)

houzz interior design ideas

(and we were recently featured in one of their recent ideabooks.)

Browse Outdoor Products on Houzz- For Example:

oh yeah.
my birthday is sunday.
i am feeling decidedly unbirthday-ish this year, which is so unusual.  there is a whole lot more i could say. . .

. . .life is just so heavy right now.  even in the easier moments, there is a weight on our days.  the what if factor.  this makes it hard to celebrate.

today, i am holding tight to the "it will get better".  to those parents who have walked the road ahead of us  - i thank you for that encouragement.

please pray for perseverance and wisdom with these kiddos.
a joyful and peaceful weekend to you, my friends.

p.s. i'd reeeeeeaaaallllly like to see the hunger games movie this weekend, but that probably won't happen, so maybe i'll just reread the books (it has been almost a year and a half) and pretend that it will be better to go when the theater is empty.  right? :)


Amy Mod said...

Response in three:
1) Wow, that's a big move.  I'm sorry they'll be so much farther.
2) That picture is pretty rad.  I can see why it was awarded. ;-)
3) Reading your journey through diagnosis and beyond with Luca breaks my heart, yet gives me a deep. . ."good feeling" (for lack of a more accurate term) as I read your love for him every time you write about your struggles.  It's not a purely happy "good feeling", but it's a sense of feeling deeply moved by love and by commitment even when things are difficult that inspires me but also makes me wish I could wave a magic wand and make life easier or less painful at times. 
3b) IF you do not get the chance to see HG this weekend, and IF you need buddies to see it with, I would love to help fill an empty theater with you sometime. :)  I very much want to see it too, but without a car, won't happen this weekend.  Also, not opposed to skipping out on the hoards of tweens choosing "Team Gale" and "Team Peta".  It's not twilight folks.

PS: Happy Early Birthday. 

junevintage said...

My birthday is Sunday, also! Almost all of your pictures are my favorites...your style is very refreshing to me- warm, real, and inviting. My youngest son has some sensory issues and we are monitoring how that develops...my heart goes out to you during this time. Your strength and honesty is as refreshing as the physical home you have created... Re: Hunger Games- I live in a country with a single movie theatre. It is seriously killing me to not see the movie!

cailan matthews said...

I just love that happy green room.  Very sorry your brothers are moving, and truly wish I could've baked you cake and brought it over.   I definitely know that unbirthdayish feeling, but I hope you had a bit of sweetness on your day anyway. 

Laura said...

That's not just kinda cool, that's super amazing! Love that green wall!

meg said...

So, i was just thinking about you today and thought i'd say hi. :) I hope your birthday was sweet...and that you felt loved and special because you are! and i don't even know you! Praying for wisdom and peace for you. :)

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