the unexpected calm

the unexpected calm

most days in our home are loud.  like at this very moment, i hear a battle erupting in the kitchen.  be right back.

okay, today is one of those every-second-packed-with-noise days.

but sometimes there are waking moments when my all of my littles are quiet.  last week i was gifted one such afternoon.  an unexpected calm settled over these rooms.  and i was granted new mama eyes.  a chance to see without distraction.

like her face - that tongue! - in concentration.

the unexpected calm
the unexpected calm
i expected the spell to break once the goo joined the mix after nap.

the unexpected calm
the unexpected calm
except it didn't.
what a gift to just sit and stare.  those feet!

the unexpected calm
 please, may i always remember to drink in these babes.


sidenote, i am posting this oh so late, because today was pretty much the exact opposite of this post.  too much bickering, complaining, and slamming of doors.  and i did not set an example of grace and patience by any means.  ugh.  i am ending this night with a contrite heart and a prayer for new mercies in the morning.  perhaps you had such a day as well?  let us pray it together then.


The Housewife said...

Those are adorable little footsies and such great looks of concentration. I've been having days fraught with battle and training lately too...hard to blog when things are so intense. I'm just a tired out mama. But it's worth it and more days of tranquility will come {right?!}. We can hope. Thank you for your blog!

jckphoto said...

yes, those moments are oh so sweet. I have four little ones that look to be very close in age to your three. Life is full, busy, loud and crazy, but it's good crazy at least!
Some days are certainly a challenge and I do not rise to that challenge very well sometimes either. I am thankful for God's thankful.

His grace is sufficient for you :)

Melissa said...

Yes let us remember to drink in the peaceful moments and approach all the rest with grace and mercy! Love love love thus post.

Kate Thompson Eschbach said...

Praying with you. I am right there with you, sister.

Janiene Bishop said...

my children were just, well, wild today. my nerves seemed to be so done by 6pm and then I heard the sweet still voice of my sweet Savior say "come to me all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. I will carry your burden and make the yoke easy for you." oh how I needed that...I had fresh strength and the ability to love on my children and pour into them. thank you for your posts like this one, from one homeschooling Momma to another I just want to hug you - you are real and need Jesus, just like me. I love your posts.

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