hiking sandia crest with cam

hiking sandia crest with cam
back in may, when "little" brother came to stay for 6 weeks, we took a hike on sandia crest.

hiking sandia crest with cam
hiking sandia crest with cam
good thing we had that blanket in the van. short sleeves and unexpected snowfall don't mix well.

hiking sandia crest with cam
hiking sandia crest with cam
hiking sandia crest with cam
hiking sandia crest with cam
hiking sandia crest with cam
hiking sandia crest with cam
hiking sandia crest with cam
hiking sandia crest with cam
hiking sandia crest with cam
can you spot an enzo beast in the wild? he is pouting and wants to be carried. again.

hiking sandia crest with cam
i finally convinced him to follow.

hiking sandia crest with cam
and then he got his way.  uncles are accommodating like that.

hiking sandia crest with cam
hiking sandia crest with cam
hiking sandia crest with cam
hiking sandia crest with cam
hiking sandia crest with cam
hiking sandia crest with cam
hiking sandia crest with cam
green chile stew and beer made that hike worth it.

 Playing with the new #ABeautifulMess app!
and then there was more of the carrying.

hiking sandia crest with cam
this hike was one year to the day that jesse was laid off back in illinois and our life was turned upside down. we spent the day high above our new land, remembered the dreams of the past and gave thanks for the unexpected blessings of today. we now hold our plans for tomorrow with open hands. He is faithful indeed.

"Because the wilderness will be glad
And the desert will rejoice and bloom
And the ransomed of the Lord will walk upon the road
That found foundations in the wasteland of gloom"

-Waterdeep, Gloom Higherway

i am joining the nester and will be blogging every single day in october! 
full list of posts here.


KateEschbach said...

love this. beautiful.

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