to homeschool or not to homeschool?

i have spent the evening researching classical christian education (thanks to my friend jamie who sent me a great link to dorothy sayers famous speech the lost tools of learning). yes, i have several years before i need to make the decision to homeschool, but as it is one of the most important decisions i will make in regards to raising my children, i want to prepare myself as best as possible. i am eager to explore what God has envisioned for our family. pray for guidance and direction in this area and feel free to recommend resources for us to investigate and consider (but please understand that i will form my own opinions and make my own decisions in this area).

i have been interested in the idea of homeschooling since my college days. with a degree in human development and family studies specializing in child and adolescent development, it was a topic discussed in my classes. i have friends who homeschool and friends who have chosen the public school system, with positive experiences all around. what will be best for me? my family? my children? i want luca and gia to love learning. i want them to know how to read a book - to enjoy it and to think about it critically. i want them to use the minds God gave them to appreciate His creation and to be able to think rationally about and defend their beliefs.

my current concerns mostly rest on the amount of time and energy i will need to be able to effectively homeschool. with fibromyalgia, i am never guaranteed a quality of life that may be needed for this lifestyle.

so begins the great homeschool debate.


Anonymous said...

Annalea - of course we can further discuss this, but my major opinion (especially as a teacher) on the issue is that your children's beliefs, motivation for and love of learning, and ability to critically think mainly comes from the parents' example. Teachers, content, and pedagogical approaches/methods only reinforce what should already be happening at home. I also have more opinions dealing with the social aspects of homeschooling:)

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