last friday night, the hart clan headed over to illinios field for the bleacher bum barbecue. it was a blast bringing the littles to their first baseball game. we love free stuff so this qualified (free admission rocks). plus, there was free food. since i didn't have dinner plans (or, ahem, groceries), that was a major bonus. and there was a bounce house. which pretty much gives it five stars in luca's book.

doors opened at 5pm. we arrived a few minutes early and stood in the already growing line. (did i mention the free food was for the first 1000 fans only? yep, so we didn't plan on missing out.) but it was a quick wait and the weather was beautiful - even if super windy!

pure bliss for a five year old boy!

cutie patootie gia in her goodwill-found illini outfit. (thanks aunt cris.) she had some pretty awesome cheer moves too. but don't ask her to show them off if you are standing too close. i got punched in the face :) they served hot dogs, brats, chips, soda, and water.

luca was all about this sporting event. he is quite sensitive to noise and does not want to go to the loud football or basketball games. i think this is the first time he was able to pay attention to a live game without being distracted by the noise. maybe i am partial as a former softball player, but i am thrilled he enjoys baseball. future luca-mama date night activity?
we only made it to the fourth inning but it was a victory in the parenting department. we usually push the boundaries for our family's tolerance and end up with a breakdown - kiddo or mama - spoiling the night. this time we made the wise decision to leave while things were still fun.
so for locals who haven't been, i completely recommend making it out to the bleacher bum barbecue next year. we'll be there!
and thanks to chambanamoms.com and their weekend planner for giving us the heads up on this event!
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