last weekend, the champaign park district held its annual touch a truck event. i have mixed feelings about heading out to centennial park each spring.
pro: a huge array of vehicles to explore and, ya know, touch.
con: a huge array of vehicles make a ridiculous amount of noise - holy horns batman!
pro: awesome volunteers - police officers, truck drivers, firefighters, paramedics, bus drivers, motorcyclists, etc, etc. - giving of their time and knowledge. thank you so much!
con: long lines to take advantage of those volunteers where your children decide they need to be held because of all that noise
pro: free ice cream from marble slab!!!!
con: did i mention the noise?
pro: bounce houses for my five year old to get his jumping fix
con: um, yeah, i am still going with the noise
i guess it is pretty obvious the main problem we have with this event each year. the first year, luca had a major meltdown of epic proportions. and that is when we rented a house just blocks from the park, soooo he cried even when getting home because the sirens and horns could be heard from everywhere in that small little place. last year, i brought reinforcements (my dad) and we avoided the side of the park with loudest horns.
last week, jesse and i teamed up for the morning adventure (where we actually turned back to the house halfway there due to a certain five year old's sassing and rudeness, sat in the driveway to talk it out, and finally continued on to the park after 10 minutes of discussion). gia wanted her papi the whole time (over stimulation from the noise) and enzo startled and cried with every other horn blast.
but we had fun! for reals! i mean, would i plan on going back next year if we didn't? (or am i just a glutton for punishment? hmmmm. . .) thanks so much to our park district for a great time.

and let's end this post with a photo of the cutest sidecar passenger ever. grandpa viejo, we think you need to add one to your harley.
I've come to your blog by way of the kinderGARDENS project.
The pro to going to the event really is the array of vehicles to touch. But for something more personal and more quiet, don't count out an impromptu visit to your nearest fire department. You don't need to by shy about knocking at their door.
My brother is a firefighter, and says they get visits all the time. The staff do enjoy showing children around the firehouse. The kids can sit in the driver's seat, often wearing a fire hat if they want to, try on boots, learn what all the big knobs and attachments are for.
~ Conny in N. Cal.
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