good reads (october 2010)

good reads

i love to read.  love it, love it, love it

i could hole up pretty much anywhere with a good book and spend the day in its pages.  obviously this doesn't happen too often, but i do find nuggets of time here and there to slip away to other worlds.  right now i am reading. . .

the shadow children series by margaret petersen haddix.  she had me hooked from the start of book one.  if you enjoy youth fiction, i highly recommend it.

the reason for god by timothy keller.  my pastor recommended four books last spring and this is his personal favorite of the group.  i am still at the beginning and this isn't a "slip into other worlds" type of book, but i am excited to be challenged and taught by it.

and (when i am at the computer) i am completely taken in by ann voskamp's writing at a holy experience.  if you like blogs and can find the time to add one to your reader, this one is worth it.  it has become my favorite.

quick note: i won't be able to respond to e-mail easily this week, but i will catch up on all that next week.  also, you can still vote for our living room until 10/29.  help us win the northern region!