just a lil' wednesday link love

have you read jen hatmaker?  for those who have - seriously funny and good, right?  for those who haven't - pick up one of her boooks.  for either, read this post. the mama friend who forwarded it on wrote,  

"I first read this blog and thinking it was about adoption but it ended up being such an encouragement in the honest walk of parenting and just holding on to God when He sends us to hard places." 

yes and yes.


one sweet love

danielle at take heart is hosting a big ol' giveaway to help her family raise adoption funds.  as she puts it,

"we have a BIG amount of money to raise but a BIGGER God."
so much fun stuff in those bundles.  make a donation to support bringing home their one sweet love and earn a chance to win.  the giveaway is open until wednesday, september 21st at midnight.


our dear friends, the engstrom family, live on the island of zanzibar in tanzania.  a tragic ferry accident has marked their community with profound sadness.  in their words,

"We have an amazing opportunity to pray for God's love, comfort, and blessings to flow from tragedy. We are praying that God would meet them in their need, and that love would be shown to them and that they would have peace. We believe God speaks to people in their distress. Please join us in praying and standing in the gap for them in the days ahead. Pray for God to provide opportunities for us to share hope and truth and comfort and peace into their lives. Please pray we would seek where we can help in practical ways to show how God provides. Some children have also lost parents and are now orphaned - pray for God to provide for them via relatives, or perhaps even to open the hearts of the government to allow us to adopt one? We believe God wants to do big and beautiful things through this tragic event." 


have a joy-filled wednesday, lovely ones!


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