fifteen years of us

PicMonkey Collage

fifteen years ago today, i officially became jesse's girl.
(and have since been sung that song many a time.)

i felt oh so special to call that cute, quiet, jesus loving, corduroy wearing, guitar playing, swing dancing, goofy sunglasses collecting, curly haired boy my boyfriend. 

between my sweetheart's tendency to squint or close his eyes in most photos, the lack of digital cameras and instagram, and my since retired tendency to scrapbook every print within a quarter inch of its life, finding photos of just the two of us from those early years proved tricky.  and time consuming.  so this is what i came up.  it makes me laugh, smile, and wonder when the heck we got so old.

thank you, mr. hart, for asking me to dance.

i am joining the nester and will be blogging every single day in october! 
full list of posts here.


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