how to make a make a rainbow felt mobile

since i finally cleaned our entryway, the mobile adorned window seems that much cheerier and  i thought i would share this simple little project here.  (it was originally posted over at kojo designs back in march.)

and. . .wahoo! it's saturday night!


I am an avid DeStasher.  Almost every project I make comes from something on hand.  But that doesn't mean my storage bins and baskets aren't overflowing.  I have a funny way of keeping every little scrap of material.  This series was made for girls like me. 

rainbow felt mobile

I like spring cleaning. There is something refreshing about scrubbing clean the corners of each room, emptying out closets of winter accoutrement and giving the house a good airing.

But I struggle with a common crafter's ailment: Stash Hoarding.  My love for spring cleaning fails me here.  I can't get rid of these supplies!  I might be able to use them someday!

Well, I am slowly learning that someday just might be today.  That's when I force myself to pull out those carefully stashed goodies and create.   

time to destash

I recently came across this drawer of wool felt scraps, leftovers from many a felt rose, and I knew that it was their time. (And I couldn't fit any more scraps inside.)  So I dumped out the contents and started sorting.

rainbow scraps

I began to separate colors.  Oooh, pretty rainbow.  Most of these scraps had a corner shape in common.  Inspiration was building.

rainbow scraps

I cut the scraps into tidy, but not too perfect, triangles.

rainbow spools

Next up, I ran the triangles through my sewing machine.  I tried to vary up the shade and size, but again, not making anything too exact.  I wanted this to balance the geometric shape with an organic feel.

I ended up with seven colorful garlands and tied them to a yarn wrapped wire hanger.  Originally I envisioned hanging this mobile in front of a window for a curtain-y effect.  The rich wool looks oh-so-lovely in the sunlight.  But this would brighten up any spot in your home.  I am picturing it over a crib.  Or in front of a mirror.  You know, for a double rainbow effect.

rainbow felt mobile

Happy DeStashing!


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