august sponsor - call me blessed

please welcome jami of call me blessed.

This month I chose joy in an unlikely place for eating habits. I completed a detox. I did this because I was feeling very low energy and I felt the Lord guiding me to do something about my overall health. I was a bit intimidated but with a lot of prayer, it was successful. My energy level is back and I am enjoying eating healthy foods that will help me fulfill my daily calling.
This month I found beauty in watching some friends walk in obedience to the Lord during very difficult times. I saw women fight to hold their families together and choose to show love and grace, simply because it is what God calls us to do. I don't think there is anything more beautiful than that.
This month I decided to create a specific place for this blogging community to encourage each other. I've been so blessed by the women I've met on this journey and I wanted that to spread. You can read more about that here.


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hey there. i love to read your comments! thanks for stopping by!