ten on ten (july 2013)

ten on ten (july 2013)
the daily potager check usually holds new surprises

ten on ten (july 2013)
 yes, i am still wearing my morning walk clothes. and yes, i kinda smell.

ten on ten (july 2013)
 hello prenatal vitamin! and drinking water like it's my full time job.

ten on ten (july 2013)
sipping her watermelon yumminess

ten on ten (july 2013)
 lego play without 3yo brother interferement

ten on ten (july 2013)
too tired to get off the couch.  and yes, i am STILL wearing my morning walk clothes.

ten on ten (july 2013)
green beads and a sucker

ten on ten (july 2013)
 best husband ever award for bringing home pizza

ten on ten (july 2013)
saying hello to mama while i rest in bed

ten on ten (july 2013)
playing in the pool until bedtime

visit the other ten on ten friends here.


Kelly Rutherford said...

Fabulous pictures and your kids are adorable!

mckenzie said...

great set! i am kinda obsessed with that first pic of the flower. amazing!

Carrie Beth said...

beautiful! I'm a prenatal pill popper, too. Your kidlets are darling, and your porch is oh so inviting. And I love that you wore your "morning walking clothes" for so long. Too tired to change? Totally know it.

Karen S Hayes said...

10 on 10!!! I just saw this and thought I get to see her in six days!! THen I realized the 10th was three days ago and I will get to see you even sooner!!! I love that we can be virtual friends but I can't wait to hug you in person!

jane@flightplatformliving said...

i have just found you searching pinterest for rose trellis! so very very glad i did your blog is beautiful as is your family! congratulations on your impending 4th baby! lots of love form me to you...now following xxx

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