luca pwayed

after dinner tonight, luca started saying, "pway, pway!"
in response, i asked, "you want to play?"
"pway! mama, dada, guca - pway!"

"you want mama, dada, and luca to play now?"

now exasperated with my incompetence in comprehending his obvious intent, luca then said, "no, pway!" and he folded his hands together and closed his eyes.
"oh, pray! you want to pray. did we forget to pray before dinner?"

yes, we did forget to pray and on these occasions luca usually remembers after dinner when we are clearing the table. then my little guy pulled a first. he folded his hands, closed his eyes, and started to pray out loud.
"dear God. pway food, cup, poon, fork, milk, gia bib, cows, pigs, horseys, cowboy hats." he then looked at me to see if i was impressed. which i totally was, plus super emotional too. not only was i thankful to see luca imitating something jesse and i do that i am not embarassed about or frustrated with, but it made him seem so grown up.

it is my prayer that this is just the beginning of luca learning the fundamentals of the Christian life. we can only place our faith in God that his heart will be touched and led to follow God independently as he continues to grow up.

(in a side note, luca always wants to pray for cows, pigs, horseys, and cowboy hats at dinner. just in case you were wondering where that came from. - yes he is a cowboy! and here is the picture to prove it.)


Kristin said...

Oh my gah! I am sitting at a restaurant 1/2 a mile from my house (since we are still without internet, 2 weeks into the new townhouse...) and I am trying not to cry as I sit in this dimly lit bar section in the middle of tables of smokers. That is so freaking cute I can't stand it. I was totally thinking "play" also. Leave it to kids to amaze you. That's precious. And shows your parenting - way to go!! :)

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