eggbert? eggwin? eggy? he shall be called dragon!

in past years, we have invited a large gathering of family and friends to celebrate luca's birthdays. the more the merrier is usually my attitude for parties. this year, being one week out of a move, living in a smaller rental house, and luca now being old enough to really enjoy games and play with other kids, we decided to invite only children and their parents (central illinois local) to a dragon themed party. about a dozen little (and not so little) kids invaded our place and thankfully the weather allowed for some outdoor play. we had a rousing game of pin the wings on the dragon and also hunted for dragon eggs.

i made a dragon cake, complete with fruit roll-up wings, chocolate covered graham cracker spines, and hershey kiss nostrils. deciding to make the cake was a hard decision for me - the tired, worn-out and possibly wiser me wanted to buy a pre-made cake from the grocery store or bake a 9x13 and write a simple "happy 3rd birthday luca" on top. the creative, ambitious and super-mom wannabe me pushed for the homemade dragon creation. seeing luca's eyes widen in awe as the dragon took shape made it all worth it. (there were a few muttered and not so muttered curses as the dragon hump began to crumble and lean, but these were soon replaced with sighs of achievement as it transformed from a yucky mess to an ash covered dragon sitting amongst lava rock - totally to cover up all the smeared and crumbled frosting.)

(title roughly borrowed from the backyardigans tale of the mighty knights, a beloved show in this household - i am often found belting out the power ballad, "i'm not an egg anymore!")


Anonymous said...
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Roxanne said...

what an amazing cake Ann!!

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