welcome to the hart potager. still a work in progress, but at least that progress includes actual green growing things. the gravel went down last weekend and the plants that survive each squirrel attack* are doing fantastic. (well, i do wish the peppers were bigger by now.) what is so fun to me - the majority of these plants started as little bitty seeds in my hands. it really amazes me how it all works.
*the squirrels are ridiculous. they continue to gnaw my plants off at the base of the stems - not to eat, but just to leave in the soil. like a joke. i imagine them thinking, "we don't accept these peace offerings. we require more sunflower seeds/seedlings. and don't put your plastic cups over them anymore to protect them. we will just keep picking off your green beans, digging up your strawberries, and wreaking general havoc on your lettuce and carrots." i have lost three sets of sunflowers to these critters, but am determined to have big, tall, beautiful flowers in my garden. i will not lose this war.
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