this is the cold that never ends. . .

it just goes on and on my friend. . .

do you have that old lamb chops song in your head now?  yeah, sorry.

i am feeling bummed right now about my malingering head cold.  i haven't had any super horrible days, but i am just worn out from the last week and a half of being sick.  luca and gia are mostly better now, but my littlest little has this yucky cough that just makes me cringe.  i am praying enzo doesn't get any worse and will be keeping a close eye on him.

wanna know what my craft table looks like now?

february mess awesome.  no desire to clean that mess up. (help please. . .)

i so wanted to keep up my "gifts from the hart" series each day but i think i am taking a sick day.  we'll have a couple more projects tomorrow and friday to round out the week though.

i have had two much better days with the older littles.  with gia in particular, i am finding a better method to the madness of an emotional three year old girl.   my hearts were reminding me to pray, but were sadly erased this afternoon.  must find a new visual cue.

please pray for us.  jesse has been working such long hours.  he has a lot on his plate at work and it is definitely wearing on our entire family.  we are still figuring out how to balance family/work/church/friends/yadayadayada. 

at least the week is almost half over. . . xoxo


Lora said...

I'm jealous of your craft room! i'd love to have my own crafting space. right now, all my stuff is in our dining room. those curtains are awesome, by the way!
and i'll be praying for y'all. i know what you mean. (my hubby works 2 jobs, so he's gone a lot. its hard to balance everything.) just remember that verse in Isaiah - "The Lord gently leads those that are with young." God understands where you are right now, and there is GRACE...

nicole said...

move closer so i can borrow your craft area...i'll keep it clean i promise. i can totally relate with the busyness of life, long hours and many pressures of parenthood...hang tight for God is with you, before you and beside you...and He promises to be.

annalea said...

it is so encouraging to read your words ladies. thank you both.

and i would totally share my space! we have only been in this house for 19 months and having a "studio" has revolutionized my crafting.

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