first ever giveaway winner is. . .


Wow! I read your question and thought this is exciting I love to talk about things I have hosted...then I paused and couldn't come up with a "party" I have hosted recently. We have had plenty of people that that we have hosted for dinner or a visit, but it has been a long time (pre-Hamilton) since I have put a party together that isn't for work. I am excited about a baby shower I am hosting in a couple of is a garden themed baby shower and brunch. We asked the ladies to bring a gift from different parts of the baby's day to fill up the different rows of the garden we are planting for our lady of honor. I would tell more, but fear said lady reads your blog and want some of the details to be a surprise -- but I am excited about throwing this party and realize through your question this is something I really like to do that I have laid aside since pregnancy -- I think it is time to dust off my hostess apron and get inviting!
the sweet little bird will be flying home to her new nest soon!

i used to pick the winner.

thanks so much for joining in my fun.  next giveaway announced later today!

xoxo, annalea


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