you ask, i answer


i thought it could be interesting if we play you ask, i answer

rules:  you ask me your questions in the comments of this post (if you read this in facebook, just click on "view original post" and ask your question on the blog, k?) and i will answer them to the best of my ability sometime in the next week.

i mean it when i say "best of my ability."  because the only thing i am an expert on is being me. but that said, any topic is fair game - mamahood, faith, crafting, homemaking, marriage, fibromyalgia, cooking, blogging, miscarriage, infertility, gardening, music, etc.

what do you think?  are you in?

and if, unlike me, you are not the curious sort, you could just comment and say hi or even tell me something funny, cause man, i always need a good laugh.

xoxo, annalea


Molly said...

Just saying 'hi' :-) I'm curious to read others questions.

Di said...

How hard was it to paint your kitchen cabinets? I would love to do it, but it seems scary. Your kitchen looks beautiful - thanks for the inspiration.

Sonya said...

hmmmmmm I'm just not sure where to it fair game to post five?

annalea said...

hit me with your best ones sonya!

KarenSHayes said...

am I a bad mom if I think most days should be pajama days?

Kimberly Martin-Boyd said...

How do you find all the great giveaways that you do?
(and btw, because of you freecycle is now part of my daily routine and I am sharing the joy with others!)

Ellie Schultz said...

I'm also curious about your kitchen cabinet painting experience - how much did you sand the cabinets first? and how long did it all take? what'd you use for primer...i'm worried the paint wouldn't stick to my cabinets.

Bobbi Lee said...

Don't know if it's too late.. But I had a fibro-based question. I've done some research, but wondered if you've heard from doctors or not, is fibro genetic? Can it be passed to children because a parent has fibro?


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