brown paper packages (and other things i love today)

  someone needed a nap

waking early and having time to read and pray before the kiddos get up (first time in 6 months!)
highlights magazines in waiting rooms
making love letters banners for y'all
comments written in french
comments in general
luca's creativity
text messages about open or closed toe shoe choices (my opinion=closed)
making up with jesse over coffee on our date and then swing dancing in the aisles of a store
great babysitters
kissing enzo's neck and making him laugh
eating grilled steak fajitas
a clean house
e-mails from a friend far from home (love you jen!)
finding gia napping all cute and weird in her bed (photo proof above)
knowing that i don't have it all figured out

how about you?  what did you love about today?


Peeper said...

- Tim is home after a month long trip: made the whole morning easier!
- Two cat patients willingly came to my lap and curled up for some snuggles from their doctor.
- Homemade burritos
- Laying in bed with the laptop
- Afternoon coffee
- Realizing the financial picture is not as dire as we feared
- A heartfelt email from a dear friend
- My Ada's sweet laughter and wet open-mouth kisses.

nicole said...

wait, you don't have it all figured out!!
today for me;
-hiking with lucy (the dog)in the glorious sunshine
-finding, buying, cooking and eating rhubarb
-catching up on stacks of paper
-last minute visit with a friend
-maple infused whip cream on hot cocoa...after the kids went to bed!!

Mrs. Pabst, Mrs. Tegtmeyer, & Mrs. Valenti-Ferris said...

- Snuggling Gabe and Stella in our bed before getting ready for work

- Morning coffee

- The hilarious, funny, positive students I have

- Speaking French all day

- Afternoon chai tea

- Playing outside with Stella and Gabe after work

Oh, and I voted for open;) Had to read that text to Joel b/c it was FU-NNY.

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