we had a great weekend. nothing spectacular, just an everyday-things-getting-done and good-family-time type of weekend. i could use a whole week of days like that. i am hoping to finish up a week long purge of two overcrowded crazy closets this week. (i should probably call it a two-year purge since i have been slowly trying to unpack these boxes since we moved.) but i finally kicked it in gear and decided to clear the mental baggage they create in one fell swoop. yay! a major summer goal complete before mid-june. double yay! but it is also a major time suck. the house is ca-razy behind in other day to days. some of it will be tackled and some of it will just have to wait.
so here is to the start of a week full of possibilities following a productive and refreshing weekend!
the weather is beautiful. children are fed. laundry is folded. an errand was run. bread has baked. the washer and dryer are running. the baby is napping. the littles are playing.
i think i will sit down to a quick bite of homemade rye toast and some tolkien.
happy monday to you!
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