custard and a concert

oh weekend, you leave us so quickly.  i would love it if you lasted one more day.  but we used you well and balanced productivity with relaxation.  i woke up today feeling accomplished and rested.  yay!

so what did we do?  cleaned, sewed, partied, planned, cooked, laundered, played, slept, argued, prayed, read, . . .

custard and a concert

and finished out the weekend with custard and a concert.  mmmm, lemon in a waffle cup.

custard and a concert

custard and a concert

custard and a concert

custard and a concert

custard and a concert

i am usually not a fan of july weather (does it really need to go above 80 degrees?  unless we're at the beach that is.), but last night was gorgeous.  warm and comfortable.  perfect for eating yummy frozen custard from jarlings and dancing around to irish music at our neighborhood park.  thank you champaign park district!


Lora said...

how fun! (and its so cool how our lives are mirroring eachother these past few days, like you commented on my blog)
your photos are amazing, as usual. it doesn't hurt that your children are gorgeous!!
happy anniversary, too!
:) lora

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