so not only did baby boy decide to start standing independently and learn to clap his hands yesterday, but this morning he said his first word and took his first step. isn't it neat how that happens all at once?
i love this age. love it, but also dread it. my fibro-ridden body makes chasing after a mobile baby and young toddler very difficult. so as exciting as these milestones can be, i also need lots of prayer for the next 6-12 months. i have already seen the effect his increased crawling speed has had on my energy. but back to the celebrating . . .

this face just lights up a room. his smiles start at the top of his head and reach to the tips of his toes. i swear he can turn your entire day around with that smile. i speak from experience.
we pretty much think it is the best baby smile ever. and it is so great of him to give them out so freely.
oh yeah, enzo's first word was ball. his absolute favorite toy. and the kid has an arm. throws that thing across the room.
here's to a week full of smiles for all of us!