raising lovers

today i am sharing a repost from february 2010. i think it is a fitting end for the month of love. and i just plain need the reminder this week.

chalkboard love

these hearts were carefully drawn on the chalkboard door that leads to the kitchen.  luca made them just for me.  because he loves me.  he loves his mama so much.  adorable, right?  but also a heavy burden.  

we are raising lovers.

this is the simple (yet powerful) thing i am remembering today.  every time i am patient, forgiving, and gentle i help my littles along their journey of learning to be lovers.  but when i am harsh and short-tempered i can crush the spirit of love in my children.

i read the following henri nouwen quote this morning:
"Gentle is the one who does "not break the crushed reed, or snuff the faltering wick" (Matthew 12:20). Gentle is the one who is attentive to the strengths and weaknesses of the other and enjoys being together more than accomplishing something. A gentle person treads lightly, listens carefully, looks tenderly, and touches with reverence. A gentle person knows that true growth requires nurture, not force. Let's dress ourselves with gentleness. In our tough and often unbending world our gentleness can be a vivid reminder of the presence of God among us."
i have not done a great job this past week at nurturing.  but every time these sweet drawn-in-love chalk hearts catch my eye, i will pray that God softens my heart.

because to raise a lover, i need to be a lover.
love is patient, love is kind. it does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. it is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. it always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
 1 corinthians 13:4-7

may all of our weeks be full of gentleness and love.



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