you are invited to spend a day in the life of her.
the gal who you might think has it all together. the mama who seems to do it all.
guess what? she doesn't.
guess what? she doesn't.
let's fight those lies. this series is an effort to dispel the superwoman myth. it is a time to be encouraged and a place to be challenged.
i have invited some wonderful women who want to be real with y'all. they want to share their struggles and triumphs. they want to give you a true glimpse into their everyday. it might not be glamorous, but it is real and beautiful.
come walk a bit in the shoes of another.
Dearest Annalea, Thank you for hosting me over here on your loveliest of lovely blogs...I am so glad I came across "our hartbeat" those many years ago.
Isn't the world wide web a wonder and joy in the realm of strangers becoming friends.
Thank you friend.
This year I undertook the task (blessing) of home educating our children, Jude (nearly 10) and Delia (8 1/2). Pulling them out of our local elementary school into our kitchen.
We are still learning together how this home schooling works.
One of my favorite parts of this education puzzle is how I have gotten to know my kids in new and unexpected ways--just spending each day with them allows me to see them grow and change--but the best part is the flexible, ever changing schedule.
This is mere glimpse into our day...yesterday in particular.
Now that Jude and Delia are older they get up and dressed and entertained on their own...I spend a few extra moments lounging in bed while my husband gets ready for his day...he is a teacher.
Yesterday Jude read in bed, while Delia created a woodland forest on the table.
Crafting by 7am, what a girl.
Before the oatmeal was on the stovetop, the pair had holed up near a heater to play a game of monopoly...the Star Wars version, of course.
As the oatmeal simmers away on the stovetop, I kick start my day with a few needful things; prayer, God's word, coffee and a daily to-do list of educational goals for the day.
I find I need a few moments before the day gets going so my soul is more at peace and therefore I am more at peace.
Rocket science, I tell you, rocket science.
We aim to eat together, while having a daily devotional...the peace we all need.
Lately, oatmeal is the breakfast of choice as I got mad in the cereal aisle and refused to buy any...clearly an off day in the parenting realm.
I am not perfect and I struggle with patience...oh and the number of unnecessary ingredients in cereal...and the price of said cereal...but that is a post for another day.
First on the agenda is a hike.
In the car on the way to and from we squeeze in spelling bee words and Story of the World.
We met up with a good friend and walked the 3 mile loop around the reservoir.
Physical Education.
Lots of dogs to meet and greet.
Oodles of birds.
Beautiful sunshine.
We even spotted three young raccoons chasing an egret out of the rushes.
Ah, the joy of home educating.
After a hike one needs to eat and what is better than a lunch of frozen yogurt.
By this time it is noon and high time for Delia to craft a origami cup/hat from a newspaper left on the table outside the coffee shop.
My lunch was not frozen yogurt but more of the caffeine fueled energy of an espresso drink.
Delia is so crafty.
Since we are out and about, we stop into Whole Foods to pick up a few groceries, including cereal. I lose my patience with my children. I understand now why my mom always wanted to leave of us home when she went grocery shopping. I always thought I was "helping her" but I see now...she needed to be able to think and shop.
Sanity, now.
The morning disappeared but math, music practice and paragraph editing was still on the to-do list.
Delia always chooses to work out of doors...the joy of California weather.
Math and sunshine.
As Jude practices ukelele and Delia finishes up her math, I take a quick look at my email, switch a load laundry, fold a load of laundry and tackle the ever so glamourous job of dish washing.
We do not have a dishwasher...I am the dishwasher.
My ukelele player.
I love when music fills my home.
The gift of music changes hearts, motivates and encourages all sorts of goodness.
Clearly a post for another day.
Since it is Wednesday the schedule changes quickly at about 1:30 when Jude goes off to play at friend's house before attending Aikido with his friend...carpool and play time all in one.
Wednesday afternoon is also when we pick up Delia's friends from her school and she spends the afternoon playing in our backyard.
As the afternoon transitions I whip up a couple loaves of banana bread.

Fort building, playing pioneers and all sorts of other secretive games.
Delia fills the house with music.
As Delia works on her piano, I take a moment to sit on the sofa and read for a bit.
One of my goals for 2012, is to sit and be more often.
Plus this book is rocking my world.
The list is nearly accomplished...I did not read aloud today but perhaps tomorrow.
The day is winding down, tuna melts are on the docket for dinner, Jude is home from Aikido, John is home from work and his run, Delia is showered, I waste time online for a few minutes during a lull in the action.
Evening is upon us.
A good friend stops by and joins us for supper, I run another load of laundry, the kids clean up their rooms and we begin a rare family evening at home.

John works on push ups and Delia folds clothes.
A family game in the kitchen...Ticket to Ride.
We are a game loving family.
It is not unusual to play 2-4 games a day around here.
Good night my loves.
Snug and cozy in bed.
God is with you.
The kids read for a bit, I sew a few garlands, prepare for a trip to the post office tomorrow, John tends to his computer work, we chat, brush the cat and wind down our day.
Tomorrow is a new day.
Goodnight world.
oh nicole, that was just a treat for me to walk through your day. and i am so glad to be able share you, one of my first and favorite blog friends, with others. thank you, friend, for welcoming us in.
p.s. when i finally make it out to sf someday, i plan on taking one of those hikes with you, eating lots of yummy food, and maybe a night of catan. :)